
2023-04-06 10:38:58 来源:博客园


  • Introduce 简介
  • setting 设置
  • Prompt 提示
  • Sample response 回复样本
  • API request 接口请求
    • python接口请求示例
    • node.js接口请求示例
    • curl命令示例
    • json格式示例
  • 其它资料下载




Introduce 简介

Notes to summary 笔记转摘要Turn meeting notes into a summary.将会议笔记转换为摘要。

setting 设置

Engine: text-davinci-003Max tokens:64Temperature:0Top p:1.0Frequency penalty:0.0Presence penalty:0.0

说明:0、Engine设置定义了你要使用的模型,例如 text-davinci-003是一个文本生成模型。这种模型可以根据输入的文本,生成新的、相关的文本。1、Max tokens是指在请求中最多允许返回的 token 数目,比如你可以指定 chatGPT 返回最多64个 token。这可以帮助你控制输出的内容大小,以便更好地控制响应速度和结果。一般1个token约4个字符或者0.75个单词2、Temperature是一个参数,用于控制 chatGPT 的输出。它决定了 chatGPT 在生成文本时会多么“随意”。值越高,chatGPT 生成的文本就越不可预测;值越低,chatGPT 生成的文本就越可预测。它在0.0到2.0之间,Temperature设置为0意味着ChatGPT将会生成更加保守的回复,即更少的随机性和更多的准确性,这可以帮助你在聊天中更好地控制语义,并且可以防止ChatGPT产生不相关的内容。通常建议更改此值或 Top P,但不要同时更改这两个值。3、Top p是随温度采样的替代方案,称为核采样,其中模型考虑具有top_p概率质量的标记的结果。因此0.1意味着仅考虑包括前10%概率质量的记号。通常建议更改此值或 temperature,但不要同时更改这两个值。4、Frequency penalty是指在训练时,模型会根据词频来调整每个单词的重要性。它可以帮助模型更好地理解文本,并减少过拟合。介于-2.0和2.0之间的数字。正值会根据新标记在文本中的现有频率惩罚新标记,从而降低模型逐字重复同一行的可能性。Frequency penalty设置为0意味着模型不会对重复的词进行惩罚。它可以帮助模型生成更多的新词,而不是重复使用已有的词。5、Presence penalty是指在ChatGPT中,一些预先定义的条件或者状态可能会影响机器人回答的质量,介于-2.0和2.0之间的数字。正值会根据新标记到目前为止是否出现在文本中来惩罚它们,从而增加模型谈论新主题的可能性。如果将 Presence penalty 设置为 0,则表示不会有任何惩罚。

Prompt 提示

Convert my short hand into a first-hand account of the meeting:Tom: Profits up 50%Jane: New servers are onlineKjel: Need more time to fix softwareJane: Happy to helpParkman: Beta testing almost done把我的速记改成会议的第一手记录:汤姆:利润增加50%。简:新服务器已上线Kjel:需要更多时间来修复软件Jane:很乐意帮助Parkman:Beta测试几乎完成

Sample response 回复样本

At the meeting, Tom reported that profits had increased by 50%. Jane then mentioned that the new servers were online. Kjel mentioned that they needed more time to fix the software, and Jane offered to help. Finally, Parkman reported that the beta testing was almost done.会上,汤姆报告说利润增加了50%。简接着提到新的服务器已经上线了。Kjel提到他们需要更多的时间来修复软件,Jane主动提出帮忙。最后,Parkman报告说,Beta测试几乎完成。

API request 接口请求


import osimport openaiopenai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")response = openai.Completion.create(  model="text-davinci-003",  prompt="Convert my short hand into a first-hand account of the meeting:\n\nTom: Profits up 50%\nJane: New servers are online\nKjel: Need more time to fix software\nJane: Happy to help\nParkman: Beta testing almost done",  temperature=0,  max_tokens=64,  top_p=1.0,  frequency_penalty=0.0,  presence_penalty=0.0)


const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");const configuration = new Configuration({  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,});const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);const response = await openai.createCompletion({  model: "text-davinci-003",  prompt: "Convert my short hand into a first-hand account of the meeting:\n\nTom: Profits up 50%\nJane: New servers are online\nKjel: Need more time to fix software\nJane: Happy to help\nParkman: Beta testing almost done",  temperature: 0,  max_tokens: 64,  top_p: 1.0,  frequency_penalty: 0.0,  presence_penalty: 0.0,});


curl https://api.openai.com/v1/completions \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \  -d "{  "model": "text-davinci-003",  "prompt": "Convert my short hand into a first-hand account of the meeting:\n\nTom: Profits up 50%\nJane: New servers are online\nKjel: Need more time to fix software\nJane: Happy to help\nParkman: Beta testing almost done",  "temperature": 0,  "max_tokens": 64,  "top_p": 1.0,  "frequency_penalty": 0.0,  "presence_penalty": 0.0}"


{  "model": "text-davinci-003",  "prompt": "Convert my short hand into a first-hand account of the meeting:\n\nTom: Profits up 50%\nJane: New servers are online\nKjel: Need more time to fix software\nJane: Happy to help\nParkman: Beta testing almost done",  "temperature": 0,  "max_tokens": 64,  "top_p": 1.0,  "frequency_penalty": 0.0,  "presence_penalty": 0.0}


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上一篇 : 北新建材:4月4日召开业绩说明会,投资者参与

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